Monday 8 June 2020

"Love Thy Neighbour, Love Their Religion"

Join us at our 2021 World Religion Day Human Library event!

Image by Ebrahim Amiri from Pixabay.

DATE: Sunday, January 17, 2021
TIME: 1:30 - 3:40 pm (Doors open @ 1:00 pm)
WHERE: Pearl Room / Pearl Cove Library

Did you know that Islam is the second-largest religion in the world following Christianity? Or that Hindus worship multiple Gods? There are so many fascinating facts you don’t know about minority religions in Australia!

Pearl Cove Library will be hosting a special Human Living Library to celebrate the 2021 World Religion Day, where you can borrow a human ‘book’ of your choice and learn about the religious minorities in the community - straight from the horse’s mouth!

Each ‘reading’ session is for 20 minutes and held in small groups of 5-6 ‘readers’ per religious ‘book’. A total of 4 sessions will be conducted throughout the afternoon.


ISLAM: Ms. Arwa Abousamra - Saudi Arabian-born Palestinian and the author of Tea with Arwa.

HINDUISM: Pandit Narayan Bhatt - Founder of Hindu Heritage Society Inc.

JUDAISM: Rabbi Mendel Kastel OAM - Rabbinic Fellow at the Great Synagogue Sydney and CEO of Jewish House.

ABORIGINAL DREAMTIME: Ms. Hetti Perkins - Arrernte and Kalkadoon curator, writer, advisor and presenter.

Image by Siggy Nowak from Pixabay.

Afternoon tea will be served halfway through the day’s proceedings. Enjoy traditional halal, kosher and hindu snacks and drinks, along with fresh Australian fruit and lemon myrtle tea for Aboriginal ‘bush tucker’.

For further information, visit the event page on our website.

Places are limited, so be quick to secure your spot! For online bookings, click HERE. Or call us on TEL: (02) 9217-3405.

Join us at this special Human Living Library event and find out what makes those religions tick...

Click HERE to learn more about the Types of Religions in Australia.

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