Wednesday 24 June 2020

Discover Our Heritage & Our Future

Join Pearl Cove Library as we hold our community’s first ever
Human Library 
where the books are alive and the stories are real. 

On Saturday 21 May 2020, you can borrow books just for the morning, but this time the books are humans.  Following the practice of Denmark’s renowned Human Library, each one of the books at this event will be a living Pearl Cove community member who represents our multicultural heritage and our future. 

We’ll have Living Books from our indigenous, refugee and migrant communities, as well as a Book whose great, great, great grandfather was among the original Pearl Cove founders. They'll tell stories of a community's struggles brought by racial, cultural, physical and religious difference to live a life of peace and equality in our beautiful town. 

Our Human Library will take place over a delicious morning tea designed by our own Heritage Committee to reflect the diversity of our community. We’ll invite attendees to borrow the Living Books for open discussions in small groups.

This is a FREE event to unite and celebrate community so we can grow the future together.


Bookings are essential as this is a limited number event. 
Click here to book through Eventbrite.

Saturday 21 May 2020

10.30am – 12.30pm

Pearl Cove Room

Together We Are Pearl Cove - Celebrating Our Evolving History is a part of the National Trust of Australia’s annual Australian Heritage Festival.

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