Friday 12 June 2020

Nuerodiversity Is My SuperPower!- Stronger Through Understanding

        -Stronger Through Understanding-                   
 Don't miss this exciting opportunity to attend a Human 
Living Library as a part of Neurodiversity week at 
Pearl Cove Library!

What is neurodiversity?

In the 1990s, an Australian sociologist named Judy Singer, who was herself autistic, coined the term 'neurodiversity' to represent the many variations in brain differences. You may have heard the term 'On the spectrum' before. This refers to people who may have neurodiverse traits such as Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, Dyslexia and many others. Although society has viewed these as abnormal in the past, we now know, it's just a different way of thinking.

What is a Human Living Library? 

It is a chance to sit with one our five neurodiverse "books" for up to 20 minutes and ask questions about what its like to live with Autism or Aspergers, ADHD or Dyslexia etc.  Discuss challenges, discrimination, realizations or positive directions they might have experienced in many aspects of their day-to-day life. They might make you rethink any misconceptions you may have had about neurodiversity. This is a chance to connect and learn in a way like no other!

Our Books:

  • Temple Grandin- Professor, Inventor, Author with autism
  • Steven Wiltshire- Artist with autism
  • Jack Clarke-Symes- University student with aspergers 
  • Mikala Sedgwick- Gamilaraay mother whose son, Felix is autistic
  • Brooke Kimber- Teen from Marrickville High School with Dyslexia and ADHD

Links to check out for more information:

Neurodiversity-The Hidden Journey and Future Directions, Niccola James, Lexxic and Yvette Gibson:

Event Details

What: Neurodiversity is my Superpower! - Human Living Library

When: Wednesday 20th May, 2020 from 10.30am-3.30pm

Where: Pearl Room (Next to Pearl Cove Library)

This is a free event but bookings are essential via Eventbrite, as numbers are limited. 


Pearl Cove library Events Team
Phone- 02 883 8177

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