Friday 26 June 2020


Join us at Pearl Cove Library for a special Human Library event on International Prison Justice day!

What is International Prison Justice Day?

International Prison Justice day marks the anniversary of Eddie Nalon's death after the emergency call button in his solitary confinement cell failed to work. Later, investigation revealed that the buttons in that area of the prison had been deactivated by guards. The year following his death, the buttons had still not been fixed and the other prisoners held a protest, refusing to work or eat. Soon, a second man died of a heart attack when the buttons failed. What started as an inside protest eventually turned into an international day of solidarity for the unfairness that incarcerated people receive.

What is a Human Library?

A human library is just like a regular library, except every story you borrow is true and told by someone who has lived through it. The books you borrow will be made of flesh and bone instead of paper. It is a great opportunity to hear the voices of people you may not otherwise got to meet, and break down any prejudices or wrong beliefs you may have.

This International Prisoner Justice Day, Pearl Cove wants to invite you to hear the stories not only of past prisoners, but also of their families and the people that help them adjust to life once they are released. It is important to remember that the challenges faced by people in prison don't end the second they can return home. This is largely due to social prejudice and how quickly the world can change over only a few years meaning it takes time to adjust to regular life again.

The event will be held on the 10th of August from 4pm to 6:30pm inside the Pearl Cove Public Library.
There is a $10 entry fee and bookings can be made either on the Pearl Cove Council event page, or directly to the library by e-mailing us at

Pearl Cove Library is proud to announce that we have created this event in partnership with Justice Action. More about this organisation and what they do can be found on their website here:

Post author: Eliza Sibbald

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