Monday 22 June 2020

Your Perfume… My Poison

Your Perfume…

My Poison

Human Living Libraries Present:

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness

What is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity?

1 in 3 people have this sensitivity and it cannot be cured. Anyone at any age or background can get it. It is a chronic, physical illness. Usually if someone has long-term exposure to a lot of chemicals, then they can become sensitive to them.
Some examples of items that can cause these issues include:
  • Perfume
  • Cosmetics
  • Deodorants
  • Cologne
  • Aftershave
  • Detergent
  • Soap
  • Shampoo / conditioner
  • Toiletries
  • Cleaning products
  • Air fresheners
  • There are even some airborne, odourless irritants.
  • Fragrances are often made from artificial ingredients.
Symptoms include:
  • Rashes
  • Headache
  • Asthma
  • Migraines
  • Watery eyes
  • Respiratory issues
  • Dizzy
  • Weak
The only treatment is avoiding fragrances and chemicals that set you off. Many people with the illness become isolated, as they cannot go out. People can help by stop wearing chemical based products, working in well-ventilated areas, using natural products and having a fragrance free policy for public spaces and workplaces.

What is a human library?

A Human Living Library is where you borrow a person who is the 'book' and ask them questions. They will talk about their experiences with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

Our books:

Kate Grenville –  author: the case against fragrance.

Keith Fell - formally from the fragrance industry: talking about what they are made from and chemicals involved.

An Elder of the traditional custodians of this land: taking about natural fragrances and what they should be made from.

Nicole from the MCS awareness charity: talking about the allergy and what people can do to help.

Georgia Jelly: sharing her allergy story.

Bart Green: sharing his allergy story.

For more information visit these websites:

Human Living Libraries:
MCS Aware:

Event Details:

Where: Pearl Cove Library, Cove Meeting Room
When: 2pm to 4pm, Saturday 15th May 2021
Bookings: via EventBrite as there is limited spaces available.
Cost: $10 per person
Light refreshments supplied.

Contact Details:

Pearl Cove Library Events Team

Phone: 02 9554 3526


Enviroklenz. (2015). How to create a fragrance-free zone in your home. Retrieved 22 June 2020 from

Mia Lloyd-Jones

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