Friday 26 June 2020

Many Stories, One Australia

 Celebration of Harmony Day 2020

Harmony Day is a day for all Australians to celebrate our cultural diversity, take a stand against racism, share the values of Australian democracy and promote community harmony.
This year, we will celebrate Harmony Day in a brand-new way: Human Living Library. In this event, the book you read would be a human book. A human book is a person that volunteered to represent a stigmatized group in the community and based on their personal experiences can answer questions from readers to help challenge what is being said/told/understood about a given topic.
Come and have an open dialogue with diverse people from a whole range of backgrounds. Our “books” include an Indigenous artist, a refugee from Syria, a Chinese single mother and an Anti-racism activist.


   ⏰ Date& Time     Saturday 21 March 2020 / 10.30am - 12.30pm
   📞 Contact            Cathy Zhai -- Pearl Cove Library    Phone: 9952 8332

  📍   Location          Pearl Cove Library Courtyard

Free to join, light refreshments and drinks 🍵 🍎would be provided.

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