Saturday 21 November 2020

Don't Judge A Book Bi Their Cover: Celebrate Bisexuality Day

 Don't Judge A Book Bi Their Cover!

Pearl Cove Library and the Sydney Bi Plus Network ( have partnered to celebrate bisexuality within our community by presenting the Human Living Library event "Don't Judge A Book Bi Their Cover: Celebrate Bisexuality Day"!

This event aims to help to remove the stigma that surrounds being bisexual in our society. Female bisexuals are often fetishized by the media, in film and on TV while male bisexuals face total erasure even within the LGBTQIA+ community. 

The event will allow members of the bisexual community (our "books") to speak one-on-one with members of the Pearl Cove community who may have little to no experience with someone who is open with their bisexuality. 

What is a Human Living Library?

The Human Living Library is the concept of borrowing people from a library who act as ‘books’ to those who loan them out. This is typically done as an event where the borrowers ask the human books questions about the topic they have been chosen to represent. 

These events are designed to reduce prejudice, break down barriers, strengthen communities, and promote social change. For more information on Human Living Libraries in Australia, please see

Say Hello to Some Good Bi's, Meet our Books!

Jessica Benson (She/Her): Jessica is a resident of Pearl Cove who has been openly bisexual for over 15 years and is happy to share her story. 

Patrick Stratton (He/Him): Patrick is another local resident of Pearl Cove who has been openly bisexual for 4 years.

Amber Loomis (They/Them): Amber is the Sydney Bi+ Network President and has been active in the LGBTQI community for over 10 years.

Michael Inglis (He/Him): Michael is an openly bisexual Indigenous Australian who campaigns for LGBTQI rights with First Nations Rainbow ( 

Event Details

When: Wednesday 23rd September, 4pm to 9pm
Where: Pearl Cove Library Courtyard
For bookings and enquiries:, (02) 9534 2521 or come in and see our helpful library staff.

Bookings are essential for this event as numbers are limited.

Photo Credits:

Peter Salanki. (n.d). The bisexual pride flag (3673713584).jpg [Photograph]. Retrieved 7 November 2020 from

Fotos de Camisetas de SANTI OCHOA. (2017). MANI ORGULLO CRÍTICO 2017 - Bisexual [Photograph]. Retrieved 8 November from

Post Created by: Ben Robinson (Student Number 377645332)




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