Wednesday 25 November 2020

It's never too late!


Date: 5 September 2020

Time: 1:00pm - 5:25pm

Venue: The Pearl Room, Pearl Cove Library.

Bookings essential! Reserve your spot at Eventbrite.

Pearl Cove Library is hosting an event based around adult education to coincide with Adult Learners Week. 5 people with experience as adult learners will be speaking candidly about the realities of adult learning in personal, one-on-one sessions.

This is a Human Living Library event; a concept born in Denmark that aims to break down stigma and stereotypes. More information on the Human Living Library concept can be found on the official website.

Michael Namok studied and worked as a landscape gardener and found employment options were limited. He retrained as a lawyer at Sydney University and now works for one of Australia's largest law firms; Clayton Utz.

Jacqueline Andelman MFA decided to move on from  her job as an accountant. She went back to study at UNSW for a Master of Fine Art and now works as an art curator at the National Gallery.

Aaron Faalouf is currently studying an advanced diploma of business at Ultimo TAFE to gain greater opportunities in his field. He faces greater challenges as an English-second-language student.

Gabriella Johnson EdD works almost exclusively with adult learners. After initial experience lecturing at universities around Australia she now teaches courses and gives talks on adult education and its advancement.
Arthur Christenson was let go from a long career as a mechanic due to a lack of qualifications. After a struggle with unemployment, Arthur has begun a fast-tracked apprenticeship and now works at a large mechanic in Western Sydney.

Please contact Pearl Cove Library with any further questions.
9475 2931

Image Credits:
Scandi Max Callahan

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