Friday 27 November 2020

Peal Cove Library Public Event



                           Celebrate Pearl Cove Vision


What is World Sight Day?

World Sight Day is the main advocacy event for raising awareness about blindness and vision impairment.

World Sight Day


What is this event about?

In this unique and special event, you will be borrowing a human living book and you will see the difficulties and challenges “books” have experienced and learn more about vision impairment from the dialogues.

Join us at Pearl Cove Library World Sight Day and "borrow" a "human book".


What is “human  living book”?

The Human Library is a library of people.   They host events where participants can borrow human being serving as open books and have real conversations they would not normally have access to.  They meet the goals by creating a special dialogue room, where taboo topics can be discussed openly and without condemnation.  A place where people who would otherwise never talk find room for conversation.


Our “books” include an Indigenous partner, socially disadvantaged people with vision impairment and medical professional for blindness and vision impairment.  There will be a lot of new things to learn from them.


Partners: Pearl Cove Council, Vision Australia, Royal Institute for deaf and blind children and Pearl Cove Council Event Unit


Date: Saturday, 17th October

Time: 11am – 4pm

Location/Venue:  Pearl Room, Pearl Cove Library

Booking: To borrow our “human living book”, please ensure to book. 

                No Booking Fee required

                General participants are welcome as well

Please contact or 

                                call 02 9870 9110 for bookings and inquiries.

Event Organiser Maria Tas


Please book to borrow “human living book” for dialogue


#publicevent   #worldsightday  #humanlivinglibrary #visionimpairment  #pearlcovelibraryevent


Photo: Glasses


Posted by Maria Tasaki

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