Saturday, 28 November 2020

 World Religion Day 

United By the Common threads of love & Faith

Date:    The Event will be held on Monday the 18th of January 2021

                       Time:  The Event will run from 1:00 pm until 4:30pm

Location:    The Event will be held in the Peal Room at Pearl Cove Library

Cost of attending:   This event is free and only hopes to profit from an enriched community!

Are you in!?

Booking can be done in the following ways:

 Online here through Eventbrite (if you need any help reach out to us at

Over the phone by calling the Pearl Cove Library during service hours on 94440564

In person by visiting the service desk at one of our library branches 

What is World Religion day? 

World Religion day is a very special day in the schedule of World Harmony Week. World Religon day is celebrated around the world by more than 80 countries and is  a chance for the community of Pearl Cove to gather together and move towards acceptance and harmony together! We hope to explore the common threads of faith and love that people from all spiritual and religious backgrounds share.  As a member of the Pearl Cove community, you will have the chance to meet with a Human ‘book’ and discuss these questions and any more that have gone unanswered in your mind.

What is a Human Living Library Event? 

Well we're glad you asked! Have you ever wondered what goes on in the minds of people within our community from a different spiritual or religious background to you? What makes them tick? What are they all about? What are the common threads of humanity that exists across different religions? World Harmony day is a chance for the community of Pearl Cove to gather together and move towards acceptance and harmony together. the Human Living Library, a ‘Human Library book’ is actually a volunteer that represents a marginalised or misunderstood group from the community.  It is these ‘Human Library books’ that the patrons, or ‘readers’, can then ‘check out’ and in so doing make a social connection that might never have been made if not for the Human Living Library event. In sitting down and having a face to face conversation, in making a human connection it is often the case that prejudices and pre-conceived mis-conceptions that are held by the reader can be challenged and sometimes dissolved.  The Human Living Library event provides an opportunity for further connection and growth within the community of Pearl Cove and who knows, you just might be very surprised by what you learn!

Further Information can be found the Human Living Library website

We are proud to to be hosting the following 'Living Books' 

Max Dulumnmun Harrison  who is a well know and respected Aboriginal Elder from the Pearl Cove Area. 

Gail Tinker is the Priest at our locally Anglican church. He is a lifelong resident of Pearl cove and would love to talk to you about any questions you might have. 


Gary Crawford is a Shia Islamic leader who grew up in the Sydney area and now is a member of the Islamic community in Pearl Cove.   

Sheikh Mohammad leads the local Sunni Islamic congregation and looks forward to having an enlightening conversation with you!

Bhikkhu Uttamo is now a local to Pearl cove after migrating here from Indonesia. He is a well respected member of our local Buddhist community. 

We look forward to seeing you at our event!

By: Nicholas Allen

Image credits :

Staff Services. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2020, from

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