Sunday 22 November 2020



                 A LIVING LIBRARY EVENT


                          Pearl cove library
             November 9th 2020 ~ 10am to 4 pm 
               For all Booking information ring                                the library on 99798873    


      Pearl Cove library staff are excited to    announce that this year we will be celebrating NAIDOC week with a living library event.

                But wait, what is a living                                              library???????????

                     Good question 👍

       The short answer is that instead of borrowing a book you borrow time                                                with a person and they can tell you their story.

                 For more information have a look at the living libraries Australia site.

                Borrowing a living book gives us the chance to open our

                         minds and hearts to the stories of others in a

                                           trusting and safe place.


           So in honour of NAIDOC week four members of the indigenous community  will be joining us to share their stories and experiences in a one day event 
            which will be held in the pearl room at pearl cove library. Each session will run for half an hour and will be structured as a one on one conversation between the book and you. This is a wonderful opertunity to meet some incrediable people and learn about the work they are doing on a local and national level.

         OUR BOOKS FOR THE DAY WILL BE.........

          * Faith, a local elder and activist who will talk about life growing up in Pearl Cove and share some stories she was told by her elders.

         * Jessie, Pearl Cove resident and rising star in the indigenous dance movement

* Bruce Pasco, A respected historian who wrote the award winner book "Dark Emu" which has brought attention to traditional indigenous farming pratictices in pre colonial Australia.

* Kirsten Bank, an astrophysicist and  Indigenous science leader who has been bringing Aboriginal astromony to the Australian public and academia.

     As spaces are strictly limited is recomended to book well in advance. To book and for further information ring pearl cove library on 99790000 or email the event co oridnator 

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