Monday 17 June 2019

Help Pearl Cove SPEAK OUT against abuse

For National Psychology Week, the Pearl Cove Library Service and Coveside Psychology Clinic have partnered to host a Human Living Library event: 'Speak Out Against Abuse.'

What is a Human Library?

Human Living Libraries provide a safe and conversational space where people can discuss topics that may be outside the scope of their everyday lives. In these libraries, people take on the role of speaking 'books' who act as sources of information, sharing their unique lived experiences and perspectives,

Please come join us on Sunday 17th November 2019 at Pearl Cove Library to hear from four living 'books' with expertise and experience regarding family conflict, elder abuse, the psychological effects of abuse, and the formal processes surrounding this issues.

Event: Speak Out Against Abuse
When: Sunday 17th November 2019
Where: The Pearl Room - Pearl Cove Central Library
Cost: FREE
Bookings are essential. Book your 'loans' through EventBrite (click link here).

Caffeinated and non-caffeinated tea and coffee will be provided.

Please contact Pearl Cove Library if you have other questions about the event.

Help us build a stronger, inclusive and more accountable Pearl Cove!

Image credits:
First image: letter tiles
Second image: Human Library logo

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