Thursday 13 June 2019

Human Living Library Event: Celebrating International Day of People with Disability at Pearl Cove Library

See my dis ABILITIES

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When: Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Time:   1:30 pm- 4 pm

Venue: Pearl Cove Library, Pearl Room
60 Pearl Cove Rd Pearl Cove NSW

Cost: Free (Refreshments included)
Booking Essential: Pearl Cove Library Eventbrite 

Any Enquiries contact: Wanda Lin 9330 6276 or

About the Event

Celebrating International Day of People with Disability in December 2019, Pearl Cove Library will host a Human Living Library” event on the 3 December 2019. This is where you can “borrow” a person, rather than borrow a book.

This event will give opportunity for people to have a conversation with people who have disability and gain a better understanding about disability. This will help motivate people with disability and give inspiration for people who are unemployed to find work and have confidence in applying for jobs or pursue new careers. 

Library-goers can register to be 'readers' and borrow one or more living books for up to half an hour and have a chat over a cup of coffee with our human living libraries.

Meet Our Human Living Libraries

   Torita Blake
 An Indigenous Australian Paralympian
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                           Nick Vujicic 

Have a rare disorder of Tetra- Amelia Syndrome 
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        About Nick Vujicic:

  Claire Mitchell
Down Syndrome and working as an Office admin in a hospital 
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Beyond Blue speaker for mental illness 
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Pearl Cove Library Event aims to encourage the Pearl Cove Council to develop inclusive cultural support programs for the disabled and unemployed within the community. Pearl Cove Library is following sustainable practices this means, booking will be online via Eventbrite. Please contact Wanda Lin if you need assistance when booking online. Looking forward to see you at the event.

Wanda Lin

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