Friday, 18 June 2021

Every Day Is a Learning Day

  Tuesday, 15 June 2021

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About the Event

Every Day Is a Learning Day event is a human library event where you can borrow a human book and ask the questions you want. Have you probably been thinking about “Am I too old to learn something new? “, or “I would like to update my skills, where can I start?” You are not alone!

 This is absolutely where they are looking for, this topic will bring lots of possibility to you and would connect people with new learning trends by listening others experience and skilful advice.

As the world is changing so rapidly that people need to be consistently upskilling in order to keep up to date with the latest knowledge. It is also incredibly important for self-improving and trying to become better personally, specifically in the Pearl Cove community.

 The Human Living Library aims to create a safe space for dialog, a place to ask questions about difficult issues, and an opportunity to challenge the stereotypes as well. People participated in the event found more emotional support and social connection. Read more at

Meet the Books

John Maynard( an artist & Indigenous Australian)

Kelvin Hayley (a retired engineer & a teacher from Sydney U3A)

Ali Hassanzadeh(a former university teacher worked in Teheran )

Amine Barakat(a writer from the UK & originally from Syria)

Yan Liu (a government employee- from NSW Health)


BOOKING is Essential. There are only 20 places maximum are available for this event. Please follow  this link to the booking form.

💬 Librarontact:  Patricia. F   

📧Posted by Emma Wang                                                        👉No comments:

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