Tuesday 19 June 2018

Men for Others: International Men's Health Week

Men for Others

Men's Mental Health with Living Books

Event Description
Ever wanted to experience human living libraries? Well now’s the chance to have an unforgettable experience during International Men’s Health Week where we will be exploring men’s health through the people in our community. This event will enable us to learn and better understand what men deal with as we listen to people of experience coming from all walks of life. Whether it be from a traumatic childhood or an adult currently dealing with a lifelong disorder, these living books will help give us insight into what it’s like to live with their conditions. This will be a catered event with plenty of food and drink for everyone (we cannot serve any alcohol at this event).

Important Information
Date: Saturday 16th June 2018
Time: 10 am – 4 pm
Venue: Pearl Cove Public Library
Tickets: $12.50 per person

Who Can Attend?
Men and women are both welcome to the event. The event may not be suitable for children under the age of 12 as some living books may have confronting stories.

Make a Booking
Come and be educated by our event for only $12.50 per person! Tickets will be sold online on the library’s website, or you can come in person to the front desk at Pearl Cove Library and buy your tickets there. Bookings will be available till Wednesday the 13th of June. Upon booking, if you have any special dietary requirements, please fill out the necessary information.

Further information about Men’s Health: http://www.menshealthweek.org.au/

Feel free to contact us at any time for further information you wish to enquire about.
Phone: 9742 4371
Email: PearlCoveLibrary@gmail.com

Ben Talese

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