Tuesday 26 June 2018

Personal Finance Workshop


Community Workshop 

Hosted by Christine Savage & City Of Sydney Libraries 


SATURDAY JUNE 2512-2 pm FREE ENTRY Register online via TryBooking

Contact Christine Savage 0401 487 642 to register as a volunteer, participant, speaker, or sponsor

      A human library event is where people of different backgrounds come together to talk about their experience often with experiencing marginalisation or hardship within a community. People with stories to tell are able to be borrowed like ‘books’ and ‘read’ by a group or audience. This forms a temporary ‘Human Library” where real life  experiences can be shared and questions asked and reflected upon. 

     For this human library event, we wanted to share the stories of how diverse members of the community  could share useful tips, life advice and experience around the topic of personal finance to reach all types of members of the community.

     The speakers will range from a business owner, retiree, first home buyer and Indigenous Artist to represent personal finance and solutions from all different perspectives. 

     For more information on personal finance visit: https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/ 
     To learn more about living or human libraries go to: https://www.humanlibraryaus.org/

Image attribution:
http://www.dallasobserver.com/event/personal-finance-workshop-ii-10381260 (top)
http://www.portlandhometeam.com/blog/home-buyer-education-personal-finance-workshop.html (bottom left)
https://stressproofyourmoney.com/stress-proof-your-finances/understanding-personal-finance (bottom right) 

Student: Christine Savage Learner No: 80454 4364 Class: Helen's Class Online 

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