Human Library Event
Thursday, 5 December 2019
11:30 AM to 2:30 PM

Pearl Cove Library Courtyard
Register Now!
$10 per person
Borrow your favourite book!
Pearl Cove library is hosting a human library event of Composting & Growing!
Human Library® is a library of people who host events where readers can borrow human beings. Borrowers can have conversations with the Books. It is a community-based organisation run by volunteers.
At this event, human Books or composting gurus will be available for borrowing. You will have the opportunity to borrow them and find out all about Composting & Growing. Come and find out: Can we do community composting? Can we use all our green waste to make compost and grow vegetable, flowers and fruits? Can we make our Pearl Cove community sustainable?
Costa Georgiadis |
Luke Gregory - GM and Designer at Urban Composter, Sydney, Australia. He designed the Urban Composter while studying Industrial design at University. He is passionate about environment and wanted an easy way to stop food scraps going into landfill.
Event Details
Date: Thursday, 5 December 2019Time: 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Venue: Pearl Cove Library courtyard
Cost: $10 per person (includes healthy refreshments)
Age Group: 12 years or over
How to reach there: View map
Note: Bike parking space available
Only 3 minute walk from Pearl Cove station.
To find out more about composting visit these websites
Community Composting (City Of Sydney)
Give your waste a second chance!
Abha Sinha