Tuesday 3 December 2019

'How Are You Doing?'

Pearl Cove Library is holding its first mental health awareness human library event!

We will be hosting a ‘Human Library’ event for people to tell their stories and educate the community on the importance of mental health. The ‘books’ will be either those effected by mental health, or those who have experienced it themselves. Each individual will be able to ‘borrow’ their ‘book’ for 15 minutes at a time, and places are running out fast.

The individuals available for ‘loan’:
-          A male suffering PTSD and Depression
-          A new mother who experienced post-natal depression
-          A woman who lost her brother to suicide
-          A mental health advocate from ‘Beyond Blue’

Event Details
Date: Friday 13th September 2019
Time: 12pm-4pm
Location: Pearl Cove library Courtyard
Booking information
Online: pearlcovelibraries.eventbrite.com
Phone: Contact Sara Lance at (02) 1300 8989 for more information

For more information on ‘Living Libraries’:

Lifeline Suicide Prevention Hotline: 13 11 14
For more information on Beyond Blue:
For more information, please visit Headspace:

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