Friday 19 November 2021

Welcoming them to a new Home - A Human Library event


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Join us at Pearl Cove Library to celebrate Refugee Week 2022 with a new Human Library event: Welcoming them to a new Home, aimed at connecting new members of our community, specifically refugees from Iran and Syria, to out community here at Pearl Cove. Come meet them and learn their stories and experiences, and to welcome them to our growing community.

What is a Human Library? A Human Library is an event where instead of borrowing a normal book, the participant (that’d be you!) borrows a human ‘book’, with the purpose of talking about their life and learning about their unique experiences. Find out more at

What is Refugee Week? Taking place in June every year, Refugee Week is Australia’s annual event to inform and teach the public about refugees and celebrate their contributions to the Australian community. You can learn more at

Event Details

Date: 22nd June, 2022

Time: 10am to 3pm

Location: Pearl Cove Library,  Cove Meeting Room

Limited spots! Book via the Pearl Cove Library’s website.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Contact Sebastian Hidalgo at 0430969756 or

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