Monday 22 November 2021

‘Unjudging Dementia: The Real Story’ : A Human Libraries Event

Dementia Australia ©2021




Come to Pearl Cove Library at 5:30pm on Friday 24th September 2021 for our inaugural Human Libraries event!

Brand New Concept! Human Books!

‘Unjudging Dementia: The Real Story’ is a brand new way to raise awareness about the hidden scourge that has affected millions of Australians.

This event is inspired by the work of the human library ( an international organisation which seeks to raise awareness towards marginalised groups though "book talks" where volunteer "books" can be "checked out" by visitors so that they can hear about the personal experiences of these "books". 

Did you know that by 2058 it is expected that 1.1 million Australians will be living with dementia? 

As part of Dementia Action Week, Pearl Cove Library has invited 4 individuals with great experience in looking after people who have dementia. Guests will be able to "borrow" these "books" and have in depth discussions with them about what it is like for someone to suffer from dementia and how they look after them.

The Human Books will all be local members from the community such as:

Ben Collard - Indigenous man whose father lives with dementia

Bridget Clemson - Social worker whose mother has dementia

Mira Najib - Refugee from Syria whose mother has dementia

Ahmad Hosseini - Nurse at Pearl Cove Retirement Village




Event Details:  

Location: Pearl Cove Library Courtyard

Date & Time: 5pm - 8:30pm 24th September 2021


RSVPs are essential.

For more information about this event please contact the Pearl Cove 

Library organiser Laurence Chappell 


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