Thursday, 18 November 2021

You're Not Alone!


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If you have a mental health condition or someone who has it then fear not! For you are not alone! 

Mental Health issues are more prevalent in our social today than in any other point in human history and according to Beyond Blue, it is estimated that 45% of Australians will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. 

In this Human library event you'll hear extraordinary stories from our books and how they've dealt with mental health problems or their experiences working with people with those issues. The purpose of these stories is to make you aware, educated, open-minded and rethink stereotypes in regard to mental health.

What is a Human Library?

It's like a normal library but the books are human volunteers that specialize in a subject like mental health just like in this event and library guests can borrow them then listen to their story, ask them questions and engage in open conversations that you wouldn't normally have. The goal of a human library is to educate, encourage open-mindedness, encourage diversity, and crush stereotypes.


When:  Sunday October 10th, 12pm-2:20PM

Where: Pearl Cove Library


You can book here:

For further information

please contact: 5555 555 555 or email us at 

Beyond Blue:

John Bingle (student number: 880601390)

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