Sunday, 7 November 2021

Rehumanising Mental Health

 Rehumanising Mental Health

A Human Library event at Pearl Cove Library 

 Mental Health and Human Libraries

The National Health Survey (2017-18) indicated that roughly one in five Australians suffers from a mental or behavioural condition. Despite how common mental health issues are, many people suffering from these issues feel too embarrassed to talk openly about their problems, or fear stigmatisation should they do so. This denies them one of the most important assets in combating mental health issues - the ability to openly express and be themselves without fear of censure.

The Human Library Organisation is a movement designed to combat stereotypes and preconceived judgements by facilitating conversations between people who believes in those stereotypes and the people who are implicated by them in a safe environment designed to promote open and candid discussion.

In recognition of the ongoing National Mental Health Month, Pearl Cove Library is proud to announce a Human Library event focusing on mental health matters.


At our event you will have the opportunity to engage in frank and meaningful conversation with four "human books", who either themselves experience or have experienced mental health issues or have worked extensively with people who experience mental health issues.

If you feel that you don't totally understand the amazing complexity of mental health, or want an opportunity to talk about your own experiences with someone who will understand, this is the event for you!


Event Details

Date and Time - Saturday the 16th of October, 11 am - 1 pm 

Venue - The Pearl Cove Library cafe

Admission - FREE! 


Please book through Eventbrite at:

For any further assistance, please contact our event co-ordinator, Lilly Leal, at 04XXXXXXXX or at

We are only accepting 25 attendees for this event. Book fast to ensure you'll be able to attend!


Further Information

Mental Health Month -

Human Libraries -   

Australian Mental Health Statistics -



Max Sibrits, Student number: 808418631 

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