Thursday, 18 November 2021

Stirring the CALDron - Pearl Cove Human Library Event

Stirring the CALDron - Let's talk about linguistic diversity

Image sourced from

To celebrate International Mother Language Day, Pearl Cove Library will be hosting a Human Living Library event. This is your chance to borrow human “books” to hear the voices of Pearl Cove and learn about their mother languages. 20% of Pearl Cove's residents were born outside of Australia, and 7% do not speak English as their first language. The top languages spoken in our community include Farsi, Arabic, and Mandarin. Pearl Cove is also a Refugee Welcome Zone for refugees from Iran and Syria. Human Libraries create a safe space to challenge ideas, and encourage unity amongst different social, cultural, and religious groups. Borrow a book for 20 minutes and discover how cultural and linguistic diversity can strengthen your business or institution and contribute to the development of the Pearl Cove Community. 

You can find out more about International Mother Language Day at 

To learn more about Human Library Events in Australia, follow this link 

Meet the books

Emily Ford: Indigenous speaker and researcher of indigenous knowledge and languages
Aaron: Syrian refugee and member of Pearl Cove Community
Asphyxia: Deaf public speaker and activist
Donya: Iranian refugee and member of Pearl Cove Community

Event details

Date: Saturday 19th February

Time: 11am-12:30pm

Light refreshments will be provided

Location: Pearl Room, Pearl Cove Library

Booking info: This is a free event, please register at


Karina Young

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