Monday 21 May 2018

"The Anzac's land at Pearl Cove!"

This Anzac day, learn all about the wars that the Anzacs have fought in from the men and women themselves

Image retrieved from:

- Monday 23rd of April to Sunday 29th of April

- Monday to Sunday, 10 am to 3 pm. 
- Wednesday, 5:30 am to 6 am Dawn Service. Reopens 10 am to 3 pm

- Pearl Cove Library 
[inside, ask staff at the front desk if directions are required]

- Entry is free for everyone who wishes to attend but speakers must book before hand at this address

Beginning Monday the 23rd of April, we will be holding a week long commemoration of the sacrifice of Anzac soldiers throughout history, using the 'living books' veterans, professors and the families of the fallen will share their stories all the way until Sunday the 29th of April. We will also be hosting a dawn service on Wednesday beginning at 5:30 am that will go for half an hour.

More Info:
- For those who wish to know more, click here
- Alternatively you can get in contact with our library staff over the phone at 04712541916

Darcy Francis

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