Monday 28 May 2018

Speak Out Loud, Women!

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International women’s day-Speak Out Loud, Women!
Be confident what you are!
Let the day speak for you!

All women are welcome to the Pearl Cove Library to celebrate “International Women’s Day”.  This event will highlight four successful women as “living books” who will take you on a journey of being a woman in different area of their life. You are welcome to bring female friends to attend the event. During the event there will representative of “Breast Cancer Australia”, who will available to answer related breast cancer and receive a helpful package for further information of “Breast Cancer Australia”. Refreshments and finger food will be provided. Further information about the event is available from Pearl Cove Library website.

When: Thursday 8th March
Time: 6:30 pm-8:55 pm
Where: Pearl Cove Library
No booking is required
for further information go to the website below:
Jo Yun Lin

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