Monday, 28 May 2018

Ask Granny not Google

The Human Library is designed to provide a positive environment for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue.

It is a place where REAL PEOPLE are ‘on loan’ to readers and a place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered.

So come along to Pearl Cove Library

Pocket your device and reach out to a granny or grandpa.

Tap in to their wisdom and life experience to answer your important questions.

Thursday 5th April and Tuesday 10th April

11am – 12.30pm

Pearl Cove Council Library

Bookings are essential via

For more information come into the library and ask one of our friendly library staff

Or contact

Karen Mulley -


  1. Love the theme of your event Nicky and your picture is awesome.

  2. Thanks Karem! Hope to see you at the event.....


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