Monday, 20 November 2017

Hand in Hand - Celebrating Volunteer day with Tea

"Hand in Hand"
Helping our community by lending a helping hand

When: 05 December 2017
Where: Pearl Cove Library; The Pearl Room (council speaker) & Courtyard (Human Living Library)
Time: 12 pm - 2.30 pm

 Come and celebrate the wonderful job our volunteers do and find out what it is really like to be a volunteer by talking to actual volunteers that help our community from all walks of life:

  • Animal welfare
  • Library/Council
  • Indigenous group
  • Local Charity
Not only will you hear great stories but you can enjoy it all with a nice cup of tea, cake, muffin or sandwich complimentary of the Pearl Cove Cafe in honour of the upcoming "International Tea Day". So come along to have a great afternoon!

What a nice way to start the day tea and great company!!

PS: Registration form needs to be filled out either online at www.pearlcovelibrary/events/december/2017 or in person at Pearl Cove Library by November 21 2017.

For more information please visit the Pearl Cove Library website above or the following links:

    Elena Grabovsky. Louise McMorland Monday Class. 20/11/2017

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