Friday 16 November 2018

Homeless but still Human


 Homeless but still Human

                      About the event:  Homelessness is increasing in Australia. Come
                    to the 'Homeless but still Human' event at Pearl Cove Library and
                    meet some 'Living Library books'. They are people affected by            
                    homelessness, who will chat with you about their experienced, how
                    they became homeless, and what helped, or didn't, on their journey
                          Event details:  
        10.00am - 4.00pm 
                          Day:             Thursday, 8 August 2019
                         Place:           Pearl Room, Pearl Cove Public Library                                    
                                              106 Jellico Road, Pearl Cove  NSW  2019
                          Cost:            Free event

                          Bookings are essential, but everyone is very welcome.
                          Contact Eventbrite please, by 1 August 2019       

                     More information: 
                     Human Living Library visit human library organisation                          
                     Homelessness in Australia visit council to homeless persons  
                     For more information about this event contact us
                     Phone: 9977 6842  Email:   
Posted by Bronwyn Campbell

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