Friday 23 November 2018

Share a Cuppa: Aussie Mental Health Morning Tea

"One in five Australians are affected by mental illness, yet many don't seek help because of stigma." - Mental Health Australia

World Mental Health Day is around the corner and Pearl Cove is a huge supporter of raising awareness to this cause. We also want you to be part of it so Pearl Cove Library is inviting you to morning tea with our four special guests - Human Living Libraries. Grasp onto this opportunity by becoming a 'reader' and engaging in conversations with our 'books' to discover their unbelievable journey of their battles with mental health.

While engaging in your 'books', enjoy some of our Aussie themed morning tea selections such as lamingtons, cheesymite scrolls and Anzac biscuits.

Make your promise today in helping to raise awareness and promote better mental health in our community.

Date: Wednesday 10th October 2018
Time: 10.10am to 12.30pm
Location: Pearl Room, Pearl Cove Library
Cost: Free

Bookings essential. Book online through EventBrite here.

Contact Information:
Event Librarian: Willow Braye
Phone: 9905 9541

For more information on Mental Health Day visit 10/10 World Mental Health Day
For more information on Human Living Libraries visit The Human Library

Image credit:

By Grace Yoo

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