Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Flashbacks+Flashforwards: Snapshots of Life in the Defence Force

                                           Image source: Anthony McAvoy

Join us for a morning of conversation and remembrance at Pearl Cove Library's first Human Library
When: 10am-1pm, Friday 8 November 
Where: Pearl Room, Pearl Cove Library
Make your booking at: www.eventbrite.com.au/flashbacks+flashforwards

What is a Human Library?
Originating in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2000, the Human Library program is a cultural event where readers can borrow a human "book" and have a conversation about their unique life story. The Human Library is a safe and open place to listen to stories that aren't usually heard and ask questions that aren't usually asked, connecting community members with unique perspectives and experiences and combating prejudice towards marginalised, and misunderstood, groups.

The 11th of November is Remembrance Day in Australia. During this time of remembrance, this event provides a chance for the community to openly discuss the past, present and future of soldiers in the Australian Defence Force. The event will explore topics such as:
- the daily life of a soldier in an active combat zone
- discrimination in the past and present as a minority in the armed forces
- coping with PTSD in civilian life
- the large community of homeless veterans
- the motives of the next generation joining the army

Meet our Human Books:
  • Paul - a homeless veteran of the Iraq War who suffers from PTSD
  • Sam - an Indigenous Elder and Vietnam War veteran
  • Kelly - a junior officer currently studying at the Defence Force Academy
  • Taylor - an openly gay veteran who served in the mid-90s after the ban on gay and lesbian personnel was lifted in 1992

For more information about Human Libraries visit https://www.humanlibraryaus.org/

For more information regarding how you can support our veterans visit https://www.woundedheroes.org.au/

For more information about this event contact
Kate Ficarra - Events Officer at Pearl Cove Library
Phone: 90583356
Email: katef@pearlcovelibrary.gov.au

                                                    Kate Ficarra

Saturday, 25 January 2020

If Those Books Could Talk: Stories of Domestic Violence and How to Prevent It

There are some things people believe shouldn't be talked about - domestic violence is not one of them. As part of Domestic Violence Prevention Month, Pearl Cove Library will be hosting a "Living Library" event allowing this crucial subject to be discussed and talked about.

When: Thursday, 7 May 2020.

Where: The Pearl Room @ Pearl Cove Library.

How much? The event is free but bookings are essential!

Make a booking on our EventBrite page by following this link.

Brave individuals from within our own community will be availble as "books" to be borrowed. You'll be able to borrow a book and they'll sit down and talk with you about their experiences with domestic violence.

We will also be joined by a welcome guest, Tarang Chawla, respected lawer and advocate for the group Our Watch, a group dedicated to preventing domestic violence. Tarang will be one of  the "books" availble for borrowing and will be able to answer a lot of important legal questions related to domestic violence.

More information about Living Libraries can be found here.

More information about Our Watch can be found here.

You're welcome to come join us and have a cup of coffee and a chat. You'll just happen to be joining in on a very important discussion. We hope to see you there.

Pictures courtesy of University of the Fraser Valley. Images were resized.Some rights reserved

By Joel Robertson.

Friday, 24 January 2020

Pearl Cove Malaria Month living library event: A Day of Discussion: (Thomas Rudkin)

A Day of DiscussionImage result for malaria

Pearl Cove Malaria Month
Saturday 25th April 2019 - 1:00pm-4:00pm
Pearl Cove Library - 47 Cricket Road, Pearl Cove, 2068
Booking available on library website

Further information on World Malaria Day 2019 can be found at the World Health Organisation website: https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-malaria-day/world-malaria-day-2019

Annually, hundreds of thousands of people lose their lives to malaria, a number that has not improved in recent years. Coinciding with World Malaria Day, a day in dedication to the efforts made to stop this disease once and for all, Pearl Cove Library will be hosting a human living library event in order to raise awareness to the extent of this disease and the continued attempts to stop it.

Where and when do I go?

We'll all be in the café attached to the library building. The event will begin at 1pm on the 25th April, World Malaria Day and run until 4pm.

How do I book?

We have a page dedicated to the event on the Pearl Cove Library website. A link to book your place is at the bottom of said page. Simply click the link and fill in the requested details to proceed! To reach our library website, just click the following link:

If you have any questions or need any help, don't hesitate to call us on (02) 9365 2361, or e-mail us at  pearlcovelibraryeventinquiries@gmail.com.

What can I expect?

We're trying to create an atmosphere of casual and informal discussion. Our current plan is to have us all sit at the café with some snacks and a good drink while our specially ordered "books" (our guest speakers) share their stories. This may take the shape of a personal conversation or a speech to the whole café. This will continue for two and a half hours, with two 15-minute breaks throughout the course of the afternoon. We hope that you'll leave with an increased understanding of the perils of malaria and a willingness to engage in further discussions with the community in the future. If you feel we succeeded or failed with these aims, then feel free to let us know! You'll be given the opportunity to give your feedback at the end of the event.

Who are the speakers?

Dr. Joseph Kennedy, specialist in pathogens

David Zavimbe, survivor of malaria

Alexandria Binks, family member of a malaria sufferer

Dr. Nicole Smith, pathologist and humanitarian worker

We hope to see you there!

Tell your friends and share on social media. The more readers, the better!

Authorised by Thomas Rudkin of Pearl Cove Library.