Wednesday 5 December 2018

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Off the Grid

We at Pearl Cove Library have organised a special event for you.  Our yearly Human Living Library event is where you can borrow a ‘living book’ and ask all the questions you want for 20 minutes per speaker.  September is the month for Sustainability so the theme is about all things sustainable. 

Find out about how to forage and identify edible local bush foods, grow a food garden, harvest water, grid connected solar power systems for your existing home or off-grid solar power systems with back up battery storage options.   For the more adventurous, find out how to build your own home with rammed-earth or mud-brick materials found locally and automate household waste management.  Also, find out how an eco-home can be built from as little as $5,000.


Patrick Jones and Meg Ulman, authors of The Art of Free Travel and practice a sustainable lifestyle in regional Victoria, will bring their permaculture skills to the event.  They also have vast knowledge and experience in foraging and hunting for food.  In their travels, camping and searching for bush tucker, they were able to document a wide range of edible plants.

Find out more - The Artist as Family blog

Other speakers will include an indigenous aunty from our local community who will share her knowledge on foraging and local bush foods. An off-grid living expert from the Byron Bay hinterland will share knowledge on how he built his own home using local materials, how he started a food garden and makes use of off-grid solar power for energy needs, harvests his own water and has a household waste management system.  Another speaker from Off-Grid Energy Australia will explain options for off-grid solar power systems or grid connected solar power systems, and back up battery storage options.

Find out more - Changing your life and going off the grid - ABC 

Enjoy didgeridoo performances throughout the day. 

Light refreshments and lunch served.
Gluten/nut free options catered for.  (Our food order includes these options so no need to advise)

Event is free – Please book online through Eventbrite.  Or come see us at the Service Desk at Pearl Cove Library and we will book for you.

Date: Saturday, 29 September 2018

Time: 10:30am - Registration and light refreshments

Event start: 11:00am  

Venue:  Library Courtyard, Pearl Cove Library


Created by Jane Ellis

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