Friday 7 December 2018

Health Ideas for the Elderly

Living Library Event:


Event Information

Come  along and speak with a Specialist Doctor in Geriatric medicine, Aged Care Nurse and Physiotherapist, and an Aboriginal Health Elder. Including a Senior Citizen Association Stall, manned by its president and other members to have a chat with and gain information. 

  • Find out about prime health matters that affect us in our elderly years
  • simple hints to ways of keeping our bodies and minds in good condition
  • learn about what each speaker contributes to the elderly in a working capacity 
  • information supplied about other professional agencies that assist the elderly in the community
Further information about health and ageing can be found at the following websites:

When and Where

Time:   1.15 pm - 4.30 pm
When : Friday 19 March 2019
Where: Pearl Cove Council
             Pearl Room
Bookings essential: Eventbrite by 12 March 2019

Senior Citizens Association stall
Free event.
Light refreshments
(includes gluten and nut free food)

by Carolyn Rickeard

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