Tuesday 1 January 2019

Rejuvenate – finding well-being amongst life's busy-ness

Do you feel overwhelmed by life's busy-ness?  
Yearn for balance; a life that consciously supports health & well-being?

This Spring you are invited to explore these issues at Rejuvenate - a unique, living library event at Pearl Cove Library.  

Connect with individuals whose journey has confronted similar issues, and have found inspiring ways to bring greater health and vitality into their life.

Book a 'loan' conversation with one (or more!) of six individual 'living books' on offer.  Hear their story, delve into their life experience, ask questions, understand, connect, be inspired!

Six living library books are available for loan:
  •  An Indigenous Australian National Park Ranger – who made the move from a fast-paced city-based life to an outdoors life emphasising connection to nature.
  • A female trail runner - with a specific interest in mindful running.
  • A cancer survivor - whose experience of illness led to a radical slowing down on life.
  • A professional dancer - who overcame depression.
  • A Chinese teenager - who carried high family expectations in regard to her studies.
  • Reverend Stephanie Dowrick – on spaciousness and choosing happiness.

Saturday 14 September 2019, 1.00 - 4.00 pm
@ Pearl Cove Library
A free event, refreshments included, everyone welcome!
Bookings: pearlcovelibrary.eventbrite.com.au or ph 64992345

Further information & reading:

  • What is Mindfulness?
  • Free mindfulness programs at Monash University
  • 'Mindful Running: how meditative running can improve performance and make you a happier, more fulfilled person', by Mackenzie L. Havey.

  • Event contact: Sarah Morrison

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